1st World Championship of Kale Cooking in Oldenburg 2017
1st World Championshipof Kale Cooking in Oldenburg  2017 

The CREATIVE Group Oldenburg

The CREATIVE Group Oldenburg is an association of private volunteers from Oldenburg. The group has been in existence for 15 years. Currently the group consists of 8 members. Our goal is it to promote our city. E. g. every two years we buy a high pressure area, name it Oldenburgia and donate it to the city of Oldenburg.


Not for the first time we picked Kale as a subject for our actions. The Kale Academy was initiated by the CREATIVE Group. The Tourism and Marketing GmbH Oldenburg adopted the idea and turned it into an institution.


The art exhibitions "GreenArt - oder: Die Kunst, den Grünkohl zu sehen"  were also initiated by the group and widely noticed.


Finally: The idea of a World Championship of Kale Cooking came up after one of the members participated at the "Annual Golden SpurtleTM World Porridge Making Championship" in Carrbridge (Scotland). This World Championship has been taking place for the last 20 years. The success of this Championship inspired the CREATIVE Group to organize the 1st World Championship of Kale Cooking 2017 in Oldenburg.

Many thanks for the support to our sponsors

Bley Fleisch- und Wurstwaren GmbH (Edewecht/Germany)

Wefers & Coll. GmbH

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