Foto: Bundesregierung / Steffen Kugler
Yes, stewed kale with pork sausage is a delicious traditional German recipe – but there are also many other mouth-watering kale dishes. This is what the first World Kale Championship in Oldenburg sets out to prove. Instead of cooking traditional hearty dishes, chefs will be competing in the preparation of innovative and creative recipes. And that's good news because the greater the variety in kale dishes, the more people will be eating this leaf cabbage.
We have long known that kale is good for our health. What is more, a study carried out by the University of Oldenburg and the Jacobs University Bremen has now found that kale also helps prevent cancer as it contains ten times the amount of cancer-fighting substances as broccoli. The cancer prevention benefits of this cabbage variety are particularly powerful when eaten raw, for example in a salad. I am sure that the chefs in the World Championship will have many new ideas for innovative recipes.
As the incumbent Kale Queen, I obviously love eating kale. As the Federal Research Minister, my mandate is to promote innovations. So what would be more fitting than assuming the patronage for this very special competition? I wish all the participants the best of luck and bon appétit!
Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka
Federal Minister of Education and Research